Elise Davis-McFarland, PhD, CCC-SLP

Co-Host of SLP Learning Series

Dr. Elise Davis-McFarland is the Immediate Past President of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and has been the association’s President in 2018. She has served on several ASHA committees including her 3-year membership on the association’s Ethics Committee. She has spoken on ethics in clinical practice and has made presentations on the ethics of international practice and program development. She started her career as a pediatric speech-language pathologist and has held faculty positions at the University of Houston, the Medical University of Southern Africa, and the Medical University of South Carolina where she developed the graduate communication sciences and disorders program. Dr. Davis-McFarland is an ASHA Fellow.

Elise Davis-McFarland, PhD, CCC-SLP has hosted 10 Episodes.